
I took several classes in entrepreneurship from SSES while studying at SSE, and loved the initiative of taking a class with ambitious, multi-disciplinary students.

Name: Philip Jonzon Jarl
CEO of Relate


What is your connection to SSES, and how has it influenced or affected your journey?

I took several classes in entrepreneurship from SSES while studying at SSE, and loved the initiative of taking a class with ambitious, multi-disciplinary students. The class on Trendspotting where I was part of a group going to India to do a project together with a local design school was an incredible experience that changed me in more ways than one. The classes fuelled my entrepreneurial dreams, gave me some valuable perspectives that I am now applying in starting my own business, and the course in India started a personal love story with the Indian sub-continent where I after graduation ended up spending three years living in Bangladesh.

How would you describe your company and what is your vision?

Valuesmatch is a digital platform for people to match, connect and interact based on personal values. The first product we are now building is an app-based service for singles to find a life partner who shares their vision for life. In parallel, we are already hosting weekly physical events where we facilitate authentic meetings between singles who share certain core values. We are fighting the increasingly shallow online social world driven by social media and dating apps, and want to create deeper and more authentic connections between humans. Our vision is an inclusive society with people grounded in their own values, where we are not judged by surface, but are seen for the unique and magnificent beings that we are.

What advice would you give those just starting out as entrepreneurs?

Define your core purpose and identity, why are you doing what you’re doing and how will it make the world a better place? Companies created and driven by meaning will win. You as founders will have a more fierce motivation and persistence, as well as feel more fulfilled in life, and with a strong mission you will never struggle to find talent, people will come knocking wanting to work for you.

If you look back on your journey, would you do anything differently?

My journey has made me who I am, so it’s difficult to say that I would want to change it, but if anything it would be that I would have dared to step into being an entrepreneur sooner. It’s amazing!

What’s one trend you’re most excited about in the next 5 years?

People are becoming more and more conscious about what really matters in life, and seek meaning and contribution. We are starting to become more reflective and are questioning the ideologies and ways our societies and lives are built upon.