Samer Yammine

Samer Yammine is a Medicine Doctor in Cancer Epigenomics from Karolinska Institute. Samer is professionally passionate about Design, User Experience, Innovation, and Business Development with extensive experience in problem-solving and creative solutions within the biotech sector. Nowadays, Samer has one foot in academia as a project leader at the Unit for Bioentrepreneurship, with the main task to develop graduate courses for Ph.D. students, and the other foot within the biotech industry and the startup world as Co-Founder/CTO of Karmagenes. co and Chairman, Co-Founder/CTIO of

1. What is your educational background? (university education(s) and field(s))
Medicine Doctor in Epigenomics

2. What are you teaching at SSES?
Ph.D. course: Exploring Entrepreneurial Opportunities in research
WW: Business Model Tokenisation
Bootcamp: Faculty in residence

3. What is your previous work experience?
Serial Entrepreneuring

4. Name one or several of your unexpected skills
Woodworking, experimental cooking, and Devil’s Advocate

5. What is the best thing about being part of SSES?
Access to interdisciplinarity

6. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Family and Asti winery

7. Which living person do you most admire?
Jack Ma

8. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
F*ck it, it is what it is!

9. Which historical figure do you most identify with?
Leonardo da Vinci

10. What is your motto?
Uncomplicate Yourself

This information has been provided by the person above and has been published on the condition of accuracy. SSES bears no responsibility for any inaccuracies therein.