Rasmus Rahm

What are some of the everyday activities you perform at SSES?
Trying to keep up with other people’s brilliance – and their emails.

What is your proudest SSES accomplishment?
Learning to type ’interdisciplinary entrepreneurship’ in under four seconds.

What are you most grateful for in your daily work?
That feeling when I learn as much from my colleagues as I did in school.

How do you define success?
Meaningful progress.

If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
Pressing pause on time in real life – not just Netflix.

What’s your guilty pleasure?
Binge-reading productivity hacks, then procrastinating anyway. And Fortnite.

What book, movie, album, or creative work has had the most influence on you?
Epistemologies of Entrepreneurship Education, of course.

What was the latest event or revelation that shifted your perspective on life?
Understanding that success isn’t a finish line, but a series of small moments.

If you were a dish, which one would you be?
A classic Swedish meatball – humble, but impactful.

LinkedIn profile

This information has been provided by the person above and has been published on the condition of accuracy. SSES bears no responsibility for any inaccuracies therein.