Elvira Andersson

What are some of the everyday activities you perform at SSES?
Primarily I write articles, website copy, and grant applications. I also keep tabs on everything being published in academic journals pertaining to entrepreneurship education, I proofread all kinds of texts for our website and other social channels, and I help my colleagues with anything and everything regarding language and written content.

What is your proudest SSES accomplishment?
Besides landing the job in the first place, I was very proud to be a part of the process that granted us the honour of the GCEC award for Exceptional Contributions in Entrepreneurship Research in 2023.

What are you most grateful for in your daily work?
Getting to do what I enjoy most in this world – write. And pet Gordon the dog.

How do you define success?
Having something to look forward to, something to do, and something to be proud of.

If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
The ability to quickly make up my mind.

What’s your guilty pleasure?
I don’t believe in feeling guilty about anything you find pleasure in! That being said, the High School Musical movies.

What book, movie, album, or creative work has had the most influence on you?
For better or worse, Friends shaped me into the person I am today.

What was the latest event or revelation that shifted your perspective on life?
When I found out I was going to be an aunt – that shook me to a core I didn’t even know I had.

If you were a dish, which one would you be?
I’m 100% a baked potato. Somewhat crispy and scalding on the outside, completely mushy and soft on the inside, best served with a grain of salt.

LinkedIn profile

This information has been provided by the person above and has been published on the condition of accuracy. SSES bears no responsibility for any inaccuracies therein.