How to apply

All our courses are recognised as internal courses at all six member schools so you apply in exactly the same way you would for other courses at your institution. Please note that SSES courses are designed as individual single subject courses, meaning you will need to apply for each course you want to join, and are currently not offered as an entire individual study program. Below you can read more about the application process for each school, but if you have any specific questions – don’t hesitate to email us via

Students wishing to enroll must be full time students with at least 120 ECTS credits from a Swedish university or equivalent.


Karolinska Institutet

All SSES-courses are recognized as “Programöverskridande valbara kurser” at KI. If your programme has an elective period and you want to participate in an SSES course, ensure you have an approval from your programme councilor and then contact us no later than 4 weeks before the course starts. If you are a PhD student and would like to participate in our courses, please register here.


Royal Institute of Technology

How: Via the Swedish version of or via your student councillor at KTH.
When: During the elective periods at the Royal Institute of Technology.


Stockholm School of Economics

How: Via the SSE Course Web, or by contacting
When: During the elective periods at SSE.


Stockholm University

How: Via the Swedish version of
When: During the elective periods at SU.
NB: Please check your eligibility to apply here.



When: During the elective periods at Konstfack.
How: If you are a master student currently enrolled at Konstfack, please send in your application below.
NB: The courses are open to all current and alumni students at Konstfack.

Application for Konstfack Students Spring 2025 Here

Application for Fall 2025 Here


Royal College of Music

How: Via the KMH Elective course web
When: During the elective period at KMH