Back-to-Back Research Seminars

May 4th we’re happy to welcome Solomon Darwin from Berkeley, and Michael Barrett from Cambridge, to Stockholm. Please join us for a back-to-back seminar with lunch included, and hear more about their latest research.


11.00-12.30 Solomon DarwinBusiness Models for Emerging Economies

12.30-13.15 Light lunch – wraps

13.15-14.45 Michael Barrett: Tribes marching to different drum beats: A temporal perspective on coordinating inter-occupational work

15.00-15.30 Fika + mingle


SSES logo, HOI Logo, ESBRI logo


May 04 - 2018
11:00 - 15:30


Saltmätargatan 9, 4 tr


Notifications are open until May 3rd. First-come-first-serve. 20 spots.