

Bootcamps are held around the globe together with our partners and friends. Challenging but rewarding they are designed for our most engaged and devoted students. They are sporadic in timing but keeping an eye open for them is certainly worthwhile.


Business of Design Week in Hong Kong 2016

Business of Design Week is a flagship event organised by the Hong Kong Design Centre since 2002. Each year, BODW gathers some of the world’s most outstanding design masters and influential business figures, inspiring creative thinking and design management. In addition, the event provides a valuable platform for participants to network, exchange ideas and explore business cooperation. BODW is one of Asia's leading annual events on design, innovation and brands.

This year's BODW is Chicago-themed, with over 60 speakers across dozens of design topics.


Social Innovation Meets Design in Iceland 2017

SSES students and alumni are invited to apply for this Bootcamp, where participants will explore nature preservation, global tourism and vernacular culture in an endangered island, together with students from the Iceland Academy of Arts.