1. Introduction

Validator is provided by the Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship (802408-3076) at Saltmätargatan 9, 113 59, Stockholm Sweden.

2. Conditions of Eligibility to Participate in the SSES Validator

Applicants should be alumni between one to five years, must be at least 18 years old, and must have a Swedish personnummer. Applicants cannot be university students or be employed at a university.

3. Choice of Recipients

Recipients who meet the base criteria are processed by a Selection Committee consisting of no less than two persons. Decisions are final.

4. Process and Participation

Participants are required to adhere to the validation process as indicated by the Selection Committee. Participants thereby agree to pursue the intended validation advice as proposed by the Selection Committee and as agreed by the participant and the Selection Committee.
It is not possible to exchange or trade any of the allocated fund coverage for cash or other monetary value, including cryptocurrencies, financial instruments, or digital assets, or to misuse any of the amount granted for other than the explicitly-stated purpose for the validation of the participant’s project.
Participants are obliged to inform validator@sses.se immediately if there are any unavoidable alterations to the budget or alterations to the intended expenditure of their budget.
By submitting to the application process, participants agree to abide by the rules and regulations of these terms of service.

5. Practical Information

Participants are advised to review all information on the application website before submitting an application. Participants are advised to review the FAQ on the application website before submitting an application. For outstanding questions, participants are invited to email validator@sses.se.
The Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship (SSES) retains no intellectual property from the ideas presented to the Selection Committee, and will not be held responsible for the development of participants’ ideas, or lack thereof.

6. Participation in promotion and marketing by the participants

Participants may be contacted by SSES to participate in promotional material, at the discretion and convenience of the participants, at any time up to one year after the conclusion of their validation participation. All participants are strongly encouraged to share news of their participation in the Validator in their social media channels and personal networks.

7. Conflict and resolutions

All arbitration and conflict resolution regarding the Validator will be arbitrated by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce.

8. Handling of personal information

Participants hereby approve that SSES will register personal information which they have submitted during their participation.

9. SSES is responsible for the handling of participants’ personal information.

Participants are entitled to request information from SSES on the handling of personal information, and to request that incorrect personal information be corrected. For questions regarding the handling of personal information and requests to correct or update personal information, please contact validator@sses.se.