Validator FAQ:

What is idea validation?
Validation is about testing your assumptions about your idea in the real world, to see if it could work. That means speaking to potential users or customers, exploring a potential market, figuring out a competitive advantage, and the a plan to develop your innovation.

I don’t have a team, can I apply?

My idea is very early stage, but it is innovative. I have nothing to prove it will actually work. Can I apply?
Yes, this grant is to test the market validation of your idea.

I’m a little fuzzy on the details. I’m not sure I’m eligible. Should I still apply?

I don’t know how I want to validate. Should I still apply?
Yes. We’ll get you started.

Is there a follow-up on what happened after I’m done validating?

How much detail do you need from me in my application?
We need to know the idea name, the idea description (100 words max), how you plan to validate, and a proposed budget for doing so.

I’m a company that offers validation/idea testing services. Can I get involved?
Yes. E-mail to chat about getting involved.


Use of money:

Do I have to use up the entire 50 000 kr?
No. The grant is up to 50 000 kr.

Is the 50 000 kr amount including or excluding moms/VAT?
The 50 000 kr amount includes moms/VAT. Any costs above 50 000 kr will not be covered by Validator.

I need money to travel to validate my idea. Can I use SSES Validator money for it?
Yes, as long as you can prove in your budget and strategy that you need this grant to travel specifically to validate your idea.

Can you pay me upfront, so I can cover my pocket-costs?
Yes, if you present a very specific budget that then will have to be matched with corresponding receipts of each expense.

Can I have my suppliers send the invoices directly to SSES?

Yes, use our invoicing address and specify the name of the service, and your project number and project name in the invoice. You must also be very specific about what this invoice covers (invoices cannot be generic). The payment term for the invoice must be 30 days. If you can’t negotiate this with your supplier, please contact us before placing an order or moving further in the process.

If I cover expenses with my own money, can I be reimbursed?
Yes, this expense needs to be calculated upfront in the budget that we approve in the application phase. All you need to do is to send us the receipt of your purchase, specifying your project number, project name and a description of the transaction.

How long does it take to get my money back?
Up to 45 days.

How do I get money?
We deposit the amount directly into your bank account. No cash, or swish or other means of transaction will be used.